Welcome to Nura


Nura brings powerful tools to your workplace or practice to help you move swiftly toward your goals. We can share these tools in several ways, whichever works best for your organization:

  • One-on-one consulting focuses on each team member individually. It’s private and personal, which optimizes participation. In the process, they learn new skills and better understand what makes them tick. That in turn delivers a wealth of new talents and ideas to your company.
  • Group consulting involves the whole team in our skill-building programs. They get to interact and explore their preferred way of working together and individually.
  • A combination of both approaches can maximize your results.
  • "Your Spiritual Coach" is designed to jumpstart your spiritual business concept. We help you anchor and grow your vision with proven business tools applied to spiritual pursuits.
  • "Your Career Series" helps people take charge of their careers. We offer targeted sessions on specific topics, such resume writing and networking, as well as customized consultations on their careers.

Please take a look at our proven and effective programs. Then contact me below to see how we can customize them for your needs.

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